Today, I saw on reddit a post that had 15 thousand upvote on religiousfruitcake proclaiming, without facts, a theme park is being made on a public grave of Palestinians by "Israeli Jews for Jews". It had an uncited video accompanying it, showing a crying Muslim women at a cemetery. This is the closest thing their is. A communal walk-way and garden being built was being built near what are believed to be human remains, and now Muslim Arabs in the area were protesting and then rioting over it. The gravestone on the video had to be fake, so the video couldn't have been real (or at least from it), or else the situation wouldn't exist. A misinformation post about Jews with about 15 thousand upvotes, calling them heartless murderers. Earlier this week a Palestinian terrorist fired on Israeli's, no post about it. Joshua's Alter was possibly damaged before, no post. This is the kind of stuff which makes me worried about people seeking information on social media...