
Showing posts from November, 2021

Channukah Sameach!

 May your good deeds shine bright, kind viewers. And may you rededicate yourself to a better future as we look to the greatness of our past.
 Jews were always Jews, even when adapting to the culture of other countries. Palestinians are Arab Muslims, same as in Arabia. Thats a notable difference.


 How many Jews would have been saved if the British never issued the white paper, restricting immigration to placate Arab Palestinian nationalists. The number planned by the Haganah to save beforehand was 400,000 to a million at minimum. 


 Testimony of real life people again and again shows their was no "ethnic cleansing" of Israel to get rid of Arabs. Basic facts do. Thats why Israel was founded with Arabs in the country, and has millions today. But lies are better to swallow for those who want an Islamic empire. 

A Note

 To all the people who travel thousands of miles to defend Israel as lone soldiers, I thank you. To all those who defend freedom for Jews in Judea and Samaria, promote peace with their neighbors, and Jews right to live in the historic home of Judaism and Jews, I thank you. For all who stand with us out of the kindness of their hearts and understanding of their mind, I thank you. Every night to honor Israel I see fills me with happiness. You guys change the world for the better. All of it. People who give me faith in humanity are part of why I write this, do volunteer work in other spheres (Jewish and General), and try to be the best person I can be. Thank you.

Questions, Notes, Rebuttals and Conversation Starters for "Anti-Zionists".

 If you think the annexation of Judea and Samaria is undemocratic, why would a Democracy with Arabs in it be less Democratic than a dictatorship?  If you think Israel forced so many innocent Arabs out during the 1948 war with the intention of genocidng them all, why were so many Arabs left inside Israel? Why did some Arabs (mainly Bedouins) fight on the side of Israel?  Why do you quote a obscure Israeli historian to claim the Jewish exile never happened, when old and modern historians overwhelmingly agree, and  you ignore the consensus of Israeli and most historians about "Palestinians" being Arab? Why was a fifth of Israel's population when the 1948 war ended Arab, and why did Israel's first parliament include the Democratic List of Nazareth (an Arab Party connected to the ruling Labor Party) and Arab Communists? Why is it Israel openly allows people who are Arab and even those who identity as "Palestinian Arabs in Israel" in parliament if its some dictat...

An Amazing Anti-Anti-Israel Source

An Absolutely 100% Not Even Close to Complete List of Provable Lies in Western Media about Israel

 1. Lies about the Arabs who left Israel, Israel itself, and so much more. And directly from Erdogan's mouthpiece, too. 2.  3. (this is based towards an Arab audience from the MidEast in Western countries, so its debatable).  4. too many to name. 5.  6. Flat out ignoring facts because "positions have hardened":


If a clearly rebuked "catastrophe" is proof Israel shouldn't exist, but Native American genocide is not proof America shouldn't exist, and the Holocaust does not give Jews any proof they need a national state, and Germany should still exist,  and  you’re solution to the Azerbijan-Armenia conflict is not to unify the countries (or the Russia-Ukraine conflict, or the Kosovo-Serbia conflict, or the Pakistan-India conflict in Kashmir), you’re applying massive, massive double standards (and lies ) at the least.

JINSA Summary

Before you read this, remember: Most Americans support Israel, it is thriving, and 5/10 you're anxiety is not equal to reality.  Source:  IDF military operations complied with LOAC and consistently implemented precautions to mitigate civilian risk, some exceeding those implemented in recent U.S. combat operations  that we participated in, despite confronting an adversary that often sought to exacerbate that risk deliberately. These impressive precautions often came at an operational and tactical cost to the IDF, allowing belligerents to escape,  diminishing the tactical advantage of surprise, and reducing the number of other targets that could be monitored or struck. The IDF accepted these costs in the interest of civilian risk mitigation. Hamas violated the most fundamental LOAC principle—that of distinction or distinguishing between military and civilian target s —by deliberately attacking Israel...

"Criticism of Israel is not Anti-Semitic"

  We hear this statement all the time, often spammed throughout subs under an anti-Israel video, or during debates. It is accompanied with the notion that calling critics of Israel antisemitic is a silencing tactic meant to hide Israel's crimes against humanity and serve as a diversion from the plight of the Palestinians. The idea that Jews are "invoking the Holocaust" to justify persecution and have a "victim complex" comes up very frequently. I just wanted to make a post summarizing my thoughts about just how misguided this sentiment is, as an armament to those of you who frequently encounter it. Feel free to criticize or add to it. 1: The level of criticism leveraged against Israel is completely disproportionate to the wrongdoings of Israel. This will often be countered with claims of "whataboutism." The reality is, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is one of the lowest-scale conflicts on Earth. The amount of people who die in the conflict pales in c...

Natives and Natives

Are Iriquois communities in New York state "settler colonialist"? No. Why not? Because they come from New York as a region.  Calling Israel a colonizing state, or a settler state in a negative way is completely insane. Jews come from Israel. Returning would be like Iroquois returning to these areas in New York state, where other Native Americans like them live. (And on the subject, Arab Palestinians are native to Israel because they called it Palestine and are Palestinians insofar that English-Americans are native to America because they call it America and are Americans)  Imagine Native Americans in New York State to be independent. They offer and accept any compromise, just to be free. Even a half-government. The US says no and invades them. The Iroquois win and gain a little more land. Ask the same thing. The US and New York rejects it, invades again. Repeat. Third time, repeat. Most the US gives up the fight, but some refuse. The US wants the same or better deal then the ...

Judaism and Its History

 Jews: Have genetic tests proving their interrelation, have a deep  history  with endless documents proving they were exiled from Israel.  Shlomo “I am not a Jew and am a antiZionist” Sands: ITS ALL A ZIONIST MYTH!!!!!!

JPosts Horrid Documentary Article

 A horrid, horrid documentary (called "the Blue Box") recently premiered at the Other Israel film festival. It was about a women who's father helped make modern Israel. In the opinion of the article writer (and presumably the documentary author), the fact some of them were made on homes once occupied by Arabs who left following the 1948 war made it "horrible". Here's the issues with that: Their has never been a war where people got land back they left during war-time. Even Holocaust survivors who had no choice. The overwhelming majority of these people left of their own free will, so its a fools errand to assault people for building while Arabs from the region left. After all, Israel had a large Arab minority which remains notable in the country today (and abroad ). The ridiculous assault from pseudo-intellectuals on the Jewish state with a insane claim which is not even possible is not acceptable. I don't see Israel and its allies demanding the Palestin...

Quick "Laugh": Totally Non-Biased Wikipedia Moment

 "Racism in Palestine may refer to Jewish settler attitudes regarding Palestinians as well as Palestinian attitudes to Jews and the settlement enterprise undertaken in their name." -Totally Non-Biased Wikipedia


 I am trying to spend my free time today (as I did yesterday) talking about anti-Semitism and talking to Shoah Survivors. I hope that we all remember how lucky we are to be alive today, even with all the horrible problems we have not defeated. Even with the extreme anti-Semitism, lying about Jewish history, or extremely anti-Semitic Holocaust inversion, we are doing amazing as a people and as a planet. Quality of life is improving for everyone. Jews are the most educated religious group on Earth, and every year contribute to life-changing innovations in culture, technology, politics and society. The very term genocide was made because of the Holocaust, and yet we're still here and alive. We will survive and thrive. We have before and we will again.

Misinformation on Reddit

Today, I saw on reddit a post that had 15 thousand upvote on religiousfruitcake proclaiming, without facts, a theme park is being made on a public grave of Palestinians by "Israeli Jews for Jews". It had an uncited video accompanying it, showing a crying Muslim women at a cemetery.   This is the closest thing their is. A communal walk-way and garden being built was being built near what are believed to be human remains, and now Muslim Arabs in the area were protesting and then rioting over it. The gravestone on the video had to be fake, so the video couldn't have been real (or at least from it), or else the situation wouldn't exist.  A misinformation post about Jews with about 15 thousand upvotes, calling them heartless murderers. Earlier this week a Palestinian terrorist fired on Israeli's, no post about it.  Joshua's Alter  was possibly damaged before, no post. This is the kind of stuff which makes me worried about people seeking information on social media...

The Political Compass of Jewish American NewsSources

  The Purpose of this Chart (researched and crafted by me for you, fair reader) is to show you concrete information on the Jewish American Communities main sources of information and how they report according to ideas of being more pro-government, religious or cultural (or plain secular), or generally economically and governmentally left or right. Every paper shown above is amazing in its own way. Truly. Even if they (like all newspapers) have bias. In general , they also do better on the axis not shown above; showing the majority of good news in the world versus the minority bad which merits discussion to correct. I'll note this is more in comparison to most American news sources than correctly showing the discrepancy. Notes for Nerds (of which their are a lot):  To be considered a Jewish American Newsite for the Purpose of this Compass, you must pass four Criteria:    1. Have a primarily American Jewish Readership or cover Judaism in America, and be explicitly Jew...

Search-Engine Follies

 Holocaust Survivors overwhelmingly unequivocally Support the State of Israel. It is no lie to say many of them built it; more Holocaust survivors went to Israel then any other country. Israel's population grew by a little over 15 percent from Shoah survivors.  So, tell me, why is it search engines show endless stories from Leftist websites like alternet claiming most or the majority are anti-Zionist, without sources? Or ignore the vast majority of Holocaust survivors see anti-Zionism as anti-Semitic? Because that gets links from hateful people on social media, and that gets you high on search engines even when you're saying lies. Thats why. Sources: The Seventh Million