Questions, Notes, Rebuttals and Conversation Starters for "Anti-Zionists".

 If you think the annexation of Judea and Samaria is undemocratic, why would a Democracy with Arabs in it be less Democratic than a dictatorship? 

If you think Israel forced so many innocent Arabs out during the 1948 war with the intention of genocidng them all, why were so many Arabs left inside Israel? Why did some Arabs (mainly Bedouins) fight on the side of Israel? 

Why do you quote a obscure Israeli historian to claim the Jewish exile never happened, when old and modern historians overwhelmingly agree, and you ignore the consensus of Israeli and most historians about "Palestinians" being Arab?

On the Bedouin Serving in the Israeli Army – Green Olive Tours

Why was a fifth of Israel's population when the 1948 war ended Arab, and why did Israel's first parliament include the Democratic List of Nazareth (an Arab Party connected to the ruling Labor Party) and Arab Communists? Why is it Israel openly allows people who are Arab and even those who identity as "Palestinian Arabs in Israel" in parliament if its some dictatorship? They can try and explain away all you like, but then turn their examples around and see what happens.

One of the main two groups which calls Israel an “apartheid state” had this fun tidbit 

  • On January 8, 2016, Israeli investigative news program “Uvda” featured an expose showing B’Tselem employee Nasser Nawaja and Ezra Nawi, a radical activist from the NGO “Ta’ayush,” discussing informing the Palestinian Authority security services about a Palestinian man who allegedly intended to sell land to Jews in the West Bank. The sale of Palestinian land to Israelis is punishable by death under Palestinian law, and according to Nawi, suspects are tortured and then killed.

And how do you support a claim jam-packed with open lies? Could the fact it employs people in the Palestinian authority, where supporting Israel is a punishable offense, mean anything?

On the other hand, Jews in Israel are not allowed to go into area A and B, AND can’t worship in some parts of Israel. Is that apartheid?

And if Israel did that, why didn't it do the same in 1967? It would be much easier than facing a hostile population inside its borders, wouldn't it be? The only thing standing in its way would be Israel's moral code.

Why do you attack a state which has part (not all) of the land of the Jewish people as a Jewish state for all its citizens, but a Jordanian state, established by an Arab monarchy (the Hashemites) which entered the area after the Zionist movement, is not controversial to you? Why is its founding not "impure"? Theirs is an explicit empire in the most clear-cut way, so why is only Israel assaulted as having a colonialist founding?

If Zionism is colonialism, then are Cherokee moving to Georgia colonialists? If Jews are “colonizers” because they endecoured to return to the land they came from, shouldn’t Palestinians return to Arabia? If theirs an arbitrary time limit for Jewish immigration, wouldn’t you still be getting rid of 1/2 or more of “Palestines” population? How would you feel if you were a "collaborator with Israel" killed for working with Jews?

Why is there a BDS movement against Israel for "occupying" a state its trying to make peace with, but none for Turkey, which conquered parts of Kurdistan?

During the Six-Day war, Jordan tried to invade Israel along the nine-mile strip (a border established as a cease-fire line when Israel was winning during the War of Independence. The Judea and Samaria borders also protrude out around Jerusalem. Can you emphasize with Israel's security concerns, being the whole country is already in bombing vicinity of Gazan terrorists?

*For Americans: If Cuba declared its goal was to destroy America, then when the US blockaded it, bombed America, how would you want America to react? 


Israel pulled out of Gaza, and that didn't work, so what do you want it to do? 

If Israel is so totalitarian, why does the Palestinian Authority exist? Why does it have a free hand in its education system, which is uses to demonize Jews 

What do you define as "settlements"? This 

If Palestinians are "Canaanites", why do genetic studies continuously show their Arab, like Jordanians and Syrians, and are not more similar to Lebanese, which have Arab amongst other native genetic markers (and Greek markers)? Can you confidently say this symbol (which you can vet other places), isn't anti-Semitic?

How about the fact Arabs from the PA can live and work in Israel, while for the West Bank/Judea and Samaria.... 

Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and Egypt refused to allow border crossings into Israel, and forced people to leave their homes to provide camp for soldiers and leave less mouths to feed at the front. Abbas has gone on record saying he rejected a Israeli peace offer which included bringing some Palestinian Arabs back to Israel, and Israel paying compensation to the rest for war. The same would not be given to the 850,000 Jews who fled the Arab world. Same deal (roughly) was given in 2000, and it was rejected. So whose fault is the refugee crisis.


Next time you talk about a video of Palestinian kids attacking IDF soldier, think, why were there kids attacking the solider? What would you have done in their situation? 

Do you attack Americas high immigration the same way you attack Israel's? Why do you hate Jews so much you won't let them immigrate to the place they come from, or worse, deny they come from there or use any connection to non-Israeli countries as excuses to try and claim they have nothing to do with Israel?

Source notes:


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