JPosts Horrid Documentary Article

 A horrid, horrid documentary (called "the Blue Box") recently premiered at the Other Israel film festival. It was about a women who's father helped make modern Israel. In the opinion of the article writer (and presumably the documentary author), the fact some of them were made on homes once occupied by Arabs who left following the 1948 war made it "horrible". Here's the issues with that:

Their has never been a war where people got land back they left during war-time. Even Holocaust survivors who had no choice. The overwhelming majority of these people left of their own free will, so its a fools errand to assault people for building while Arabs from the region left. After all, Israel had a large Arab minority which remains notable in the country today (and abroad). The ridiculous assault from pseudo-intellectuals on the Jewish state with a insane claim which is not even possible is not acceptable. I don't see Israel and its allies demanding the Palestinian Authority pay reparations for the (low-balling) one million Jews who were not allowed to immigrate and thusly murdered by the Nazi regime because of what  Arab forces demanded the *British do to limit immigration with the white paper, leaving Israeli's to trying to allow Jews to immigrate without legality and cutting off immigration help from the British at a crucial time. The British actually deported Jews to gas chambers because of Arab Palestinian threats. 

If Israel needs to give houses to people who left or sold their houses, does that mean the "Palestinians" need to pay reparations to Holocaust victims? 

The assault on Israel remains as ridiculous as ever, and we shouldn't pretend nonsense is a sane argument.



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