In Case You Missed it 20 (Special Edition): Israel and Israeli-Arabs
Hello. I hope you had a reflective Shoah Survivors Day. Never Again will there be a genocide of the Jewish people, no matter what we have to do to make that happen. This issue will be focused on Israel's relations vis-a-vis her 2 million Arab Israelis, and Arabs coming to Israel. Enjoy! *1. Israel is giving Gay Filastinis the right to work in Israel. They previously could be asylum seekers. As for the law's context, here is it: Despite the propaganda, Basseim Eid was right when he said it: Israel is a nicer place to and for Arabs to live than anywhere on Earth . That includes Arab-run areas that murder their own people for being gay. As for its passing, the law was supported by Anti-Semitic and controversial Labor MK Ibtisam Mara'ana, who in the past openly defined her interest as being with the PLO and was almost kicked out of the Knesset for (amongst other things) telling Jews whose families escaped the Shoah and Soviet An...