The Jerusalem Post Misses the Memo

 Recently, the Jerusalem Post recognized the “Nabka” in an editorial on the "Two-State Solution." 

In a ode to the most sane form of craziness entitle "Israel Cannot Abandon the Two-State Solution", the daven of delusion essentially skirted the context of the so-called Nabka in 1948: Arabs voluntarily leaving their homes, and an attempted mass genocide of Jews. It skirted many things, amongst them that Arabs who made the dangerous trek away from Arab states to Israel could gain Israeli citizenship, individual homes can still be regained, and other individual facts which together destroy the Nabka narrative. Here's one, as an example:

If Israel wanted to kick all the Arabs in its territory, it would have. Israel could have easily done so in 1948, as opposed to keeping any Arab who stayed and christening them Arab-Israeli. And after its victory in the 6-day war? A resounding victory against every neighbor? Of course Israel could have kicked them out. Instead the Arab population has increased ninefold in Israel, Gaza, Judea and Samaria since 1948. 

To those who still think the idea Israel could have actually kicked more people out is fanciful, 800,000 Jews were kicked from the Arab world, and three years before 6 million Jews were murdered en masse. Countries have power. In the case of this, Israel didn't use it. To the idea spread by idiots-Jew and Gentile alike-Israel did use this power, its quite clear by the reality of Israeli-Arab relations after the war of independence, where villages who fought Israel now lived under military occupation, and the strategic placements of Galilee and even Negev Arab land Israel very much didn't intentionally destroy communities and just leave some. If they did, the government wouldn't be half as smart as it would need to be to win a war of independence. In fact, the Leftist leadership in Israel begged people

to stay, and build a country together. That Ben-Gurion did not let people who tried to kill Jews en masse all gain citizenship overnight in a Jewish state they just tried to destroy is not crazy; its one of the most obvious decisions in Israel's history.

The article in the Jerusalem Post also misses other issues. Gaza exists as a preview of an Arab-Palestinian state. Arabs can live more free in Israel than Jews did when they were fighting for Russia, Germany or France in World War 1. 

Without Arabs attacking Israel in 1948 (or with Arabs in Palestine supporting a Jewish state), a Jewish-Arab country living next to another Arab country-the vision of the least extreme Joint-Listers, would be reality.

But they try to kill us. In fact, at minimum hundreds of thousands of Jews died because they couldn't immigrate to Israel as a result of the later White Papers issued by the British under Arab pressure. More Jews died because of "Palestinian" Arabs than Jews and Arabs have died in conflicts surrounding Israel since 1948. This ignores all the mass pogroms, riots, and murder of Jews by these same "innocent victims."      

So yes, people who tried and even succeeded kill Jews, or supported it enough they felt comfortable amongst the Arab states, lost homes. Like Japanese civilians were killed by US bombs in World War 2, another point of modern controversy. Facing the reality of the time, these events were just. Thats total war for you, and in Israel it was even more just facing an existential threat than in America. The result was a little like Czechs taking German houses after the second World War. But unlike then, Jews didn’t kick the Arabs out. They left, as discussed previously.

In short, this is what needs to be said on the Nabka. If you try to kill Jews and fail, don't ask for payment for the boo-boos you get, especially when you could already get some. 

As for the Jerusalem Post, they should remember Israel is a Jewish state, and shouldn’t be afraid to state it was morally right in 1948 by protecting Jewish lives. Facing people who want to vote for the suicide of the state in her Knesset, it needs to. 


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