Purim-And then Some

In memorium, to the four victims of Arab Terrorism. 

If Israel "removed" its Arab population like its foes claim it already does, these victims, and those who have died in pogroms before in May, never would have. No one would have died in the intifadas if it successfully removed the Arab population from Judea and Samaria. It is paying the ultimate price to live Western values of freedom in the Middle East. 

And social-media magazines like the Economist blame Israel. 

 For all the problems its facing, Israel is doing insanely well. Never forget that. Could any other country do so well fighting such a large number of foes? Its a miracle. The immediate conflict area is almost half Arab, the Arabs in Israel vote for traitorous parties, yet the Jews always survive and thrive. Meretz has an MK which doesn’t know Hatikvah (an Arab identitarian, of course), for petes sake! 


Israel had an absolutely horrible terror attack by an ISIS-supporting Arab. https://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/324524 Ben Gvir rightly attacked the Knesset for letting a Hamas apologist stay in the Knesset and lead a meeting after this: https://www.jpost.com/breaking-news/arab-mk-declines-to-say-if-hamas-is-a-terror-group-or-not-663115. The anti-Jewish voices in Israel are a crisis, and the refusal of Arab-Israeli Knesset members to see Zelensky talk (similar to their opposition to the Abraham accords) shows they shouldn’t be in Knesset. They are an open-fifth column, and should be treated as such. https://www.timesofisrael.com/knesset-approves-uae-normalization-with-huge-majority-only-joint-list-opposed/, as should be their supporters https://www.timesofisrael.com/arab-israelis-rally-against-macron-over-his-defense-of-mohammed-cartoons/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gRxaidKVQQ https://www.jewishpress.com/news/israel/israeli-arabs/watch-mk-ben-gvir-defying-islamist-chairman-he-blamed-for-beer-sheva-murders/2022/03/23/ a man biased against jews runs the building committee

http://abuyehuda.com/2020/08/after-five-years-the-duma-saga-approaches-conclusion/ This single event, treated by Reuters and the NYT to its own articles, attacks a man who may be innocent. He is still in prison.

 It is also sadly logical that while this happens, the UN releases a report calling the only democracy in Israel an apartheid state. 


https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/eighty-percent-of-west-bank-archeological-sites-damaged-report-666321 a crisis in Israel: Archeological destruction. https://religionnews.com/2019/02/05/search-for-undiscovered-dead-sea-scrolls-reveals-dispute-over-west-bank-artifacts/ I will add most the stories about this on google are from Arab Nationalists or Haaretz, claiming the clearly Jewish artifacts are Palestinian Arab. It is especially notable as the Arabs want the Qumran caves, the site where the Dead Sea Scrolls were found, for their state.

An amazing, brief and slightly simplified run-down of the modern history of “Palestine”: https://www.quora.com/Is-Palestine-an-integral-part-of-Israel/answer/Gail-Ellis-2 

http://www.preoccupiedterritory.com/religions-that-superseded-judaism-unsure-how-to-handle-literal-fulfillment-of-superseded-prophecy/ So true.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zjXifsACiHA&t=6s Walid Shoebat

A man who watched a child sliced with a knife: https://www.quora.com/Did-historical-pogroms-of-Jews-involve-the-murder-of-Jewish-children-and-babies/answer/Matan-Samsonov 


Its a worthwhile reminder president Reagan thought Israel responding to terrorism with an invasion of Lebanon was bad.

Horrifyingly, the UN has baselessly claimed Israel is an apartheid state-pretending Gaza is not its own state and that the PA doesn’t function independent from Israel. The person who lead this? https://unwatch.org/unhrc-chief-defends-navi-pillay-on-israel-inquiry-despite-her-sanction-israeli-apartheid-campaign/. As the UN previously had a person who blamed the Holocaust on Jews running this, its not surprising.

Jews are the greatest of peoples, suffering the ultimate challenges to survive.

https://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/323919 Planting trees, the ultimate evil, totally.


https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/invasion-fact-checkers Its even worse in universities


Highlight: The Unspoken Crisis: Arab Dictatorships funding American Universities:




The United States NEEDS to pass a law, stopping other countries from funding their foreign policy related higher education.


“At Meta—the parent company of Facebook and Instagram—content flagged as false or misleading gets downgraded in the platform’s algorithms so fewer people will see it. Google and Twitter have similar rules to bury posts. In reality, America’s new public-private “Ministry of Truth” mainly serves the interests of the tech platforms and Democratic Party operatives who underwrite and support the fact-checking enterprise. This, in turn, convinces large numbers of normal Americans that the officially sanctioned news product they receive is an ass-covering con job—an attitude that marks many millions of people as potentially dangerous vectors of misinformation, which justifies more censorship, further ratcheting up the public’s cynicism toward the press and the institutional powers it now openly serves. On and on it goes, the distrust and repression feeding off each other, the pressure building up until the system breaks down or explodes.”

You may wonder why Facebook’s designated fact-checker for a claim about inflation in the United States is a state-backed French agency, or who determines how many experts are required to issue a ruling—and what qualifications make one an “expert.” All fine questions to have asked five or six years ago when the planet-sized logical inconsistencies might still have been a liability. At this point, it’s like arguing that America’s tax laws don’t make sense. The industrial fact-checking complex is not a debate society or a branch of science pursuing the truth wherever it leads. It’s an institutional fixture with hundreds of millions of dollars in funding behind it, along with battalions of NGOs and formerly broke journalistic authorities who are more than happy to cash fat checks and proclaim that America’s ruling bureaucrats at the FDA, the CDC, the FBI, the CIA, the Fed—and the entire alphabet soup of government agencies—along with the ruling Democratic Party, are never wrong about anything, at least nothing important.

Feels very different from the 2000’s

“Links” and not citations is horrible, evil and saddening all at once.

Which is exactly what happened in the case of some bureaucrat’s brilliant plan to hand out free crack pipes to promote racial “equity.” Within days, the fact-checking lobby leaped into action to defend the honor of the White House. Snopes and Politifact both declared the Beacon’s report “mostly false,” while Factcheck.org referred to it as misinformation. The New York Times, The Washington Post, CNN, Reuters, Forbes, USA Today, and dozens of other members of the media’s fact-checking clusterfuck issued similar verdicts, backed by their brand names and by official-sounding pods at big-name universities.

The nonprofit sector, as it’s euphemistically called, is an immense, labyrinthine engine of ideological and financial activism that was valued at almost $4 trillion in 2019

Real News and Newspapers need to return. Death to “bullet points”!

I will be one Jewish Nationalist, very strong and very true.





We differentiate between our tribe and everyone else in the world, and that is the basis for our exceptionalism. 

This was not the only event which wouldn’t have happened without the Joint List: https://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/324340 

The Joint List Hadash justified an attack by an ISIS supporter:




Palestinians can call Israel their homeland, and it can be a Jewish state simultaneously, one which encompasses them. Its a historic right of Jewry.




“And herein lies the problem: when [anti-Semitism] can be represented as heroism, you suddenly see how easy it is for false narratives to turn into deadly fantasies.”




“Finally, when played at its most mischievous, the Misunderstanding Game simply insists that we all want the same things. We all want to be free and equal; we all want to abide by the law; we all share the same basic values and we all want to respect the dignity of others. For those of us who are men and women of faith, in the end we all pray to the same God. For those of us who are secular, we are all led by our reason. Save for a subset of misfits — and every society has those — we are all just human beings.

To this kind of argument, I always have the same response: not everyone’s concept of God is identical. How else would you explain the existence of Islamist sermons of hatred? Or the harassment of women, gays, Jews and others? What would you say to the victims of the Pakistani Muslim grooming gangs or the Muslim girls who are forced into marriage? If we all pray to the “same” God, then what about the knife attacks, the beheadings and the use of trucks as weapons of murder by perpetrators screaming Allahu-Akbar? What about ISIS and Al-Qaeda? Radical views exist and we urgently need to grapple with them.

It is, perhaps, a disappointment to those who have always insisted that we humans are all the same to see so many Muslim groups form organisations and movements with the objective of isolating their communities from the rest of society [and trying to overthrow it]. In some countries, like France, they have succeeded enough to alarm the president to introduce new legislation that signals he has had enough of the Misunderstanding Game. And yet President Macron can hardly be said to be leading a Europe-wide change of sentiment. In most countries, the Misunderstanding Game goes on. Why?”


 https://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/323685 Ra'am is being stupid. I'm curious to see how they'll react https://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/323708. This law was based first and foremost on security, but the demographic effect being the high percentage of Arabs who immigrate to Israel is not to be understated. One can expect the percent of Israel which is Jewish to increase as a result of this. Whether it will have the desired effect on security, however, remains to be seen. The point was to stop Arab terrorists, but it may energize terrorism by Domestic Arabs instead.


https://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/323707 yay!

https://iloveisrael.quora.com/Why-do-people-claim-antisemitism-after-any-criticism-of-Israel-9 Though I'll note Israel, for its size, is very powerful.

As a rule for everyone from Russians to Palarabs, if you call Jews Nazis, you're crazy.

A famous Russian Israelite in Israel :). https://www.timesofisrael.com/after-criticizing-ukraine-war-speculation-that-russian-tv-host-fled-to-israel/

https://www.algemeiner.com/2022/03/09/syria-lies-that-israel-killed-civilians-reuters-repeats-claim/ Reuters flat-out lies

Notice to Ra'am, "our society" does not include all of Israel: https://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/323791


While the media remains obsessed with Israel, and now has a (logical) obsession with Ukraine, a conflict which has been under the radar in the West is revamping. The wounds which brought the world Napoleon are back in plain sight.

As tens of thousands of Jewish refugees reach Israel, Amnesty calls it a travesty https://www.jta.org/2022/03/11/politics/amnesty-international-official-is-opposed-to-israel-as-a-jewish-state. They are no human rights grouo.

https://www.meforum.org/campus-watch/63019/nyu-panel-obliterate-america-and-israel This is a good article, but it misses one thing: If Israel exists only to be a state which protects Jews, thats fine. Thats a 100% fine reason to exist. The argument "the Holocaust doesn't justify a Jewish country" is asking for another one.

In a sign as much technocratic hellscape as good news, Pro-Russian networks are being banned from Social Media https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2022/03/16/facebook-youtube-russian-bans/. In the age of Newspapers when the 'elites' supposedly controlled more, our information pipeline couldn't be turned off. It may be to a dictatorship this time, but it won't be the next. I'll also note that despite their being far-more internet online English and Spanish speakers, RT's Arabic operations were by far the most successful. 

Thought: Israel is the only country where Ahmhadis can freely, openly and safely practice their Islamic faith. Countries like Pakistan, Malaysia and even the Palestinian Authority and Hamas attack them. Israel is the evil, anti-Muslim nation though?

Jordans GDP: 42 Billion, for its over 10 million people.

Israel's GDP: Over 402 billion, for its 10 million people. 

Fun Story: A Jew invented camouflage. Most all the internet ignores this, of course. Even many history articles just say "World War 1" or "18th Century". It was this guy: http://www.jewornotjew.com/profile.jsp?ID=2575 

Does anyone think the feeling towards Israel and alliance would be half as good as the current Kuwaiti alliance if they also expelled 300,000 Palestinians. 

Without all settlements not in Jerusalem, Israel would be 70% Jewish (roughly 6.3 million in a state of 9.1 million). The issue of a large non-Jewish minority would be just as prominent as if it annexed Judea and Samaria alone (where it would be 63% Jewish). 

https://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/323798 You know what, his logic with human rights law when it doesn't apply is wrong, but good. 




https://elderofziyon.blogspot.com/2022/03/what-kind-of-anthropologist-would.html Apparently, even academic admit archeology proves Jews come from Israel and Arabs are not indigenous to the land, so destroying artifacts is appropriate. 


Comedy and also Amazing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=005mZj0_ZwE

https://elderofziyon.blogspot.com/2022/03/whos-intolerant-vic-rosenthal.html Right on the money, with the exception I happen to disagree with him on how many Goyische refugees Israel should take in-Ukrainian refugees are not a danger.

https://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/we-stand-firm-in-our-love-of-zion/ Finally, some good politics from MJL! 

Ukraine is no longer taking artillery soldiers from Russia captive, following their brutal shelling of Ukraine. I'm sure the world will attack Ukraine as an immoral army, the same way it attacks Israel for killing terrorists in the process of committing terrorism, right?

http://abuyehuda.com/2021/10/its-a-tribal-conflict/ The Arabs of Palestine are, fundamentally, not guided by Liberalism. They'd blow up Israel if they could, and their "leftists" are not 'Liberals', as you can see with the opinions on gay marriage, for instance. Israel needs to whatever it has to to fight, even if its fighting Arab-Israelis.


https://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/324237 "Don't worry, just kill 7.5 million more Jews and we'll free Palestine".

https://www.algemeiner.com/2022/03/09/french-interior-minister-dissolves-pro-palestinian-ngos-advocating-israels-destruction/ As stated before on here


https://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/323694 so glad we can count on Yad Vashem being ridiculous

In 1748, Montesquieu published The Spirit of Laws which, in turn, inspired America’s founding fathers and the basic structure of all liberal democracies. In his book, the French political philosopher credited Jews with the emergence of moderate governments and civilized societies in early modern Europe. How did the Jews achieve this feat? By popularizing financial products that were resistant to tyranny.

For centuries, kings, princes, and popes banished Jews from their lands and confiscated their property. Property rights were dependent on military power, which Jews always lacked. To untangle this dependence, wrote Montesquieu, “the Jews invented letters of exchange” that substituted physical property with virtual obligations. Thanks to this method, “commerce … became capable of eluding violence, and of maintaining everywhere its ground.”

In light of this innovation, the economic cost of tyranny increased significantly: It was still easy for rulers to banish and imprison people, but it became much harder to seize their property. Tyrants faced a dilemma: Respect the rights of all people, including Jews, or see trade and economic activity move elsewhere. To keep their economies humming, “it became necessary that princes should govern with more prudence than they themselves could ever have imagined.”

According to Montesquieu, tyrants did not suddenly decide to honor the rule of law and separation of powers. These conventions took root only when tyranny became a losing economic strategy, particularly as finance and commerce overtook agriculture and local crafts. As he put it, “though their passions prompt them to be wicked,” it was in the interest of rulers to be “humane and virtuous.”







http://www.preoccupiedterritory.com/arab-mks-warn-palestinians-if-you-accept-israeli-citizenship-well-stop-representing-you/ lol







Old: http://www.preoccupiedterritory.com/amnesty-rejects-vetting-activists-for-antisemitism-thought-control/



Hundreds of Thousands of Jews are expected to become refugees because of the Ukraine War.

Will they call themselves victims of a Nabka? Will the world pretend its not the reality of war? Of course not.

Complete. Double. Standards (https://resistingantisemitism.quora.com)


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