The Orwellian Nature of the Anti-Israel World's History of "Palestinian."

"Palestinians", as it is defined today, is a new term. You can think whatever you want about Israel today, or the Levant or if Pluto is a planet, but that is objectively true. Objectively, Palestinian referred originally to anyone living in the territory of modern Israel and the West Bank, including some Northern Syria. It was objectively a new term as used today, to refer to Arabs in the land of Israel. So, why is it wikipedia, the Palestinian Authority, the "Squad" as they call themselves, and tens of millions of people around the world deny the basic history (shown with proof below)? Is it not the most egregious example of Orwellian history changing a word, once referencing anyone in the area, to now reference a people which were not a people until the 1940's (and at best seem to only be binded together as the ones which aren't Israel and not under their neighbors), most of which had family move into the area of modern Israel during the 1800's yet are described by Wikipedia as ancient? Which, as discussed before, explicitly lies about the regions history and the history of the name? Millions are taught today Jews are a people which sprang from nothing and belong to nothing, and a people of primarily Arabian immigrants came wholly from the land the Jews came from without any of their unique cultural traditions. Looking up indigenous peoples of Israel on google came up the Bedouins, a people from Arabia explicitly by their own telling of history (and in general carrying feuds relating to this history). 

But of course, not of the Palestinian Authorities. Not of Hama's either. Not of Islamic extremists catering to Westerners they openly despite, not of Westerners happily supporting anti-Western Islamic extremists and lies about basic geography

It was not the belief of anti-Zionists even in 1948 that they were from the region. They were Arabs from Arabia, not even genetically intermixed like the Arabs beyond the Sinai. This was their strength, used to help foster unity against the Jewish invader. In a time where Arab nationalism north of Egypt was stressing ethnic, not just cultural unity, we are all Arab, they are all Jew. 

Yet now, that is a dead connection. A myth. Never existed. Jews in the land of Judaism come from is Settler-Colonialism. Any claims the idea some Palestinian Arabs (which did not call themselves Palestinian before recently) once vaunted their ethnic connection to Arabia as a factor to gain support in a war against Israel (they are not from the region, after all), must now have never existed. Or at least never mentioned. This is brainwashing (indoctrination by forced repetition), by definition. At least in Algeria, Hamas-run Gaza, and Iran, saying different is officially punishable by law. In areas such as the Palestinian Authority, a myriad of laws cover the deed, while entire businesses in countries like Egypt face intense social pressure from self-styled Nasserists. After all, why squander a chance to create the world's largest Emmanuel Goldstein?

The very history of actual Palestinians gone, erased. A modern notion which exists in response to Israel and geopolitics amongst the Arab world is passed on as if its fact. Even today it occurs, not just against Jews but Christians (a important piece in the Western propaganda front), and the people this is supposed to help. Even to suggest Palestinian could have sprung forth as a national identity in extremely recent times (which is less true than the fact many Palestinians consider that a political term, and themselves Arab) is vile unless its used as a preface to attack Zionism. On the condition a Westerner is in earshot, of course. And the moderate position for so too many now in polite society not to follow the history, but strike a balance between the two. One may be completely wrong, explicitly have the other as a lie in its national myths, and be a trick of foreign powers. But the other option is running afoul of those who would call you Islamophobic (even though Palestinians were supposed to be Christian and Muslim) or Partisan, even when armed with direct, scholarly accepted quotes of "Southern Syria" and "Jordan is Palestine" depending on where you are in the region, and ultimately "We're all Arabs from Arabia" at the center.. And that simply cannot happen. Which is a shame. I know I have a books worth of great work sitting partly unfinished or finished at such a point I'll likely never publish it in my real life until I die. Every year, easily trillions of memories disappear from humanity. Must we purposely kill so much for a shot at the upper echelons of society? If so, is it even worth it? 


We live in an Orwellian world, its true. And Israel is not the only example. It is in the ruins of Palmyra, where ancient deities have had all memory wiped by ISIS and all archeologists who know the most shot or forced to flee and, eventually, find work on a separate subject. ISIS called the ruins of an entire city "The Facade". Anyone who's been just across the border to Syria will find the whole world is in a mythos; Bashar and his revolutionaries have magic history, and their personal and dynastic loyalties are at once known yet unspeakable and wrong. Doublethink in its purest form. Not in the complete, overbearing horror of China, where you simply let facts slip out of existence. Not in the clear, White Nationalism of Nazis (though they engage in the same lies about Jews). But in a dictatorial assault from the very fringes trying to creep into polite, progressive society. Anyone who has ever lived in the Arab World yet found themselves scared to describe what it was like knows what I mean. When you've seen Islamists, violence, chieftains, clans. Much of it is explainable in some form. But what the Islamists come from, the complex reality of the United States in the region, or Israel. In some way, people understand hearing that you may be disowned for changing religion. It happens in America too. Even in entire communities. But its so overwhelming, the erasure of facts and creation of definitive ways of being. Its different here, somehow their is living freedom. There are no thought crimes which will leave you dead.

Lies about Israel are my focus because like no other, they are a central piece of what threatens to engulf the West in the worst impulses of human politics. Lies about Israel, as they were and are with Jews, really are the doorway to lies about everything. 

Luckily, we still have the truth left and as more than a shard. After all, this has never been universal propaganda. We can still hold the truth in our minds, spread it, and in that way, fight the madness time and politics wreak upon history. The very fact you are reading this now is proof the truth is not nearly as gone in the world (at least where it isn't criminalized) as Hamas, the Palestinian Authority, and so many others would like and try to bring into fruition. 


Romirowsky, Asaf. “Exposing the Nakba Myth.” Jewish Political Studies Review, vol. 22, no. 3/4, Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, 2010, pp. 133–35,


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