Israeli-Arabs versus Levant Arabs in Syria.

 Recently, I was listening to footage of a pro-Assad psycho in Syria claiming Israel controls the Rebels. One thing which struck me was he said (in a much more vulgar way than this) that Arabs from Israel are treated better in Syria than Israel. I wanted to take a second to review:

Recently, Israel passed a gargantuan $10.3 billion bill (remember, Israel is the size of New Jersey) to add to Israel’s current funding for the Arab-Israeli sector. The goal of this bill is to modernize the infrastructure of Arab-Israeli society. A major part of this is to focus on Israeli-Arab Gangs which have been committed killings inside Arab villages. Arab Israeli’s are currently in a coalition running the government, which has something to do with it. 

Isn’t it interesting the Jewish state is partially run by Arab Muslims, but the “Arab Republic” is run by one dictator and his family at the top? 

Israel also has a law that everyone, Jewish or not, who was born in British Mandate Palestine can become a citizen of Israel. In line with Israel’s policies of not breaking up families in immigration law, this includes children. That is to say Israel has a Arab right of return in its law. While this is of course 100% ignored in Western Media, Syria has killed people for talking with Israeli’s. So they have made it more difficult for Palestinians to go to Israel, while claiming that is their goal. And they simultaneously claim Israel does not have this law. This all ignores Syria of course would never let Israeli-Arabs immigrate to Syria unless they disavow their connection to Israel and revoke their citizenship, and even then likely wouldn't with Syrian immigration policy. 

Compare this to Syria’s policy of keeping Arabs from the region forced in refugee camps to use as bargaining chips, and the larger reality Syria does not confer any human rights to almost any of its citizens, and I know which I'd rather live in.


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