
Showing posts from October, 2021

The Reason

The Fact People Accuse Israel of Genocide while China Commits a Genocide and they do nothing is pretty strong proof we need a Jewish state to say "Never Again" for Jews.  One day the Uighur's of China will be free, something I have tried to move in my own ways, and one day the Chinese might even say how sorry they are their ancestors did it. It still won't have made the way the world responds today OK, something solely tied to the CCP's vile power. Long live Tibet, a free Hong Kong and Taiwan, the original government of China (between these two).

The Orwellian Nature of the Anti-Israel World's History of "Palestinian."

"Palestinians", as it is defined today, is a new term. You can think whatever you want about Israel today, or the Levant or if Pluto is a planet, but that is objectively true. Objectively, Palestinian referred originally to anyone living in the territory of modern Israel and the West Bank, including some Northern Syria. It was objectively a new term as used today, to refer to Arabs in the land of Israel. So, why is it wikipedia, the Palestinian Authority, the "Squad" as they call themselves, and tens of millions of people around the world deny the basic history (shown with proof below)? Is it not the most egregious example of Orwellian history changing a word, once referencing anyone in the area, to now reference a people which were not a people until the 1940's (and at best seem to only be binded together as the ones which aren't Israel and not under their neighbors), most of which had family move into the area of modern Israel during the 1800's yet are...

"Its just a Missile, no Biggy."

I  just heard a “Democratic Socialist App Store developer” say “small missile lobbed at Israel leads to massive response”. I wish the people who said this stopped and listened to what they said, specifically: The idea a terrorist enclave firing missiles into an independent country can ever be small. The idea having a response more effective is bad. Why the army which shot objectively more missiles and failed is fine, and the one which shot less and succeeded partially is evil. "Teeny Tiny Rocket" fired to murder  people  does not make sense. And if it was your house which was facing rocket attacks, I don't think you'd call it so small.

Here's a Quick Thought

 Imagine if India was treated half as bad in the media for people leaving it to go to Pakistan during the partition of the British Raj. Why is that fine and consensual yet with Israel its evil and forced by Jews when it clearly wasn't?

A Quick Thought

 If Germans kept fighting after World War 2 with terrorist organizations and refused to accept a free Germany, the Allies would have had to occupy parts of Germany for longer. I'm sure a majority opinion would be Germany could not be allowed to exist any longer in many allied states. Hamas and Palestinian Terror groups have been doing that endlessly, and Israel strives for peace nevertheless.  ____  Essentially, every Israel conversation comes down to exactly what Begin said: "The world may not necessarily like the fighting Jew, but they will have to take account of him". Israel will live, it will behave overwhelmingly *morally, and the response is that its an evil state imposing its will. But the crazy people on the internet (and robots and paid Iranian puppets) are not real life. *Much like America in our "immoral forever wars".

Israeli-Arabs versus Levant Arabs in Syria.

 Recently, I was listening to footage of a pro-Assad psycho in Syria claiming Israel controls the Rebels. One thing which struck me was he said (in a much more vulgar way than this) that Arabs from Israel are treated better in Syria than Israel. I wanted to take a second to review: Recently, Israel passed a gargantuan $10.3 billion bill (remember, Israel is the size of New Jersey) to add to Israel’s current funding for the Arab-Israeli sector. The goal of this bill is to modernize the infrastructure of Arab-Israeli society. A major part of this is to focus on Israeli-Arab Gangs which have been committed killings inside Arab villages. Arab Israeli’s are currently in a coalition running the government, which has something to do with it.  Isn’t it interesting the Jewish state is partially run by Arab Muslims, but the “Arab Republic” is run by one dictator and his family at the top?  Israel also has a law that  everyone , Jewish or not, who was born in British Mandate Pa...

A Summary of the Arab Lobby by Mitchell Bard (Guest Post)

  One very interesting book I've been reading lately is  the Arab Lobby  by Mitchell Bard. , a book about the efforts of Arab governments to find a lobbying footage in the US. I feel like I might as well summarize my take aways: The support for US hawkish candidates (and support of Israel) get their money from American citizens from the bottom-up generally. In contrast, pro-Arab groups tend to come from wealthier sources than AIPAC or the AEI or even most rich Americans, and can offer very lucrative opportunities when someone is no longer a politician with the spectre of foreign jobs in Saudi Arabia, Qatar and at one point Iraq. But Al Jazeera and Saudi Arabia have never been popular in the US mainstream. The donations parties got for taking a hard stance on foreign policy was more than oil states could offer outright, even as they looked for American nationals to be given money to spend ...

A Quick Thought

 I don't know how anyone could ever look at the 2005 assault on Israel (intifada), which started because a Jew visited the holiest site in Judaism, the Temple Mount, and not think Israel has a right to defend itself. I don't know how any sane person could look at Israel leaving the Gaza Strip to make a Palestinian state, watch it get overthrown, and say Israel needs to leave Judea and Samaria (called the West Bank by those trying to wash away its history) immediately.

A Refutation to the Claim the goal of Zionism has ever been to force Arabs from the land of Israel

  In New Old Land, one of the central texts of the modern Zionist movement Theodore Hertzl actually specifics Arabs having a free point in their society, and the story revolves in *part around that: The Zionist movements main activity pre-Israel was buying land in Israel so Jews could have a state peacefully without displacement. This was most exemplified by the Jewish National Fund. Zionism under David-Ben Gurion and Chaim Weizmann, the leaders of the Zionist movement as it become a political and economic force (I.E. Israel) that Jews should only labour to have part of Israel based on the premise above. This was also true in the *Faisal Weizmann Agreement. Israel's policy continued during the 1948 war and beyond, hence why the Arab population has tripled. * Israeli immigration policy specifies everyone who lived inside the British Mandate can become a citizen of Israel. Advocating for the forced removal of Arabs falls under Israel's anti-Fascism laws, and Israel has removed a ...

Anti-Semitism and Anti-Zionism

  I'm sure we all have opinions, one way or the other, over whether anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism. I fall strongly in the camp that argues not only is anti-Zionism anti-semitism, but it is one of the surest examples of antisemitism. I think it helps to dissociate anti-semitism from prejudice itself. The thought process usually goes something like this. A Jewish woman not allowed to stay in a hotel overnight -> prejudice -> anti-semitism. A Jewish man attacked on the street for wearing a kippah -> prejudice -> anti-semitism. A synagogue attacked on Sukkot -> prejudice -> anti-semitism. These are all examples of how Jewish people and organizations are treated differently from their non-Jewish counterparts. Targeted because of their Jewishness. So it is very easy to understand that these are antisemitic. But there is an underlying current that we often forget.  Antisemitism is an exercise of unequal power.  Discrimination isn't prejudice. It is the use of p...

The One Trick for When Internet Political Opinions Make you think Everyone is Insane

 Developed Countries pretty objectively have no political-reality connection, or else the Progressives and Trumpians would be the largest cliques in the US, and the People's party would be bigger than the Conservatives in Canada.