UNcivility at the UN

Recently at the UN, Palestinian Prime Minister Abbas said he would resort to some unknown measure, which appeared to be violence, if Israel didn't agree to 1967 borders in a final peace settlement and enact it within 365 days.

Whats interesting about this to me, is Israel gave him a proposal almost exactly like that before PLUS tens of millions of dollars to help resettle Palestinians living abroad to return to a new state of Palestine.

Abbas admits he rejected 2008 peace offer from Olmert
PA president says he declined proposal -- which included near-total withdrawal from West Bank and relinquishing Israeli control of Jerusalem's Old City -- because he wasn't allowed to study map

And Abbas has denied hundreds of calls-hundreds, without hyperbole-for even discussing peace between Israel and the PA since, as said during the interview below:

I wonder what changed? Throwing it out there, but maybe-just maybe, instead of trying to find peace, Abbas wants to threaten Israel in a public forum, and then if someone does what the PA says it wants (like Olmert did) it will simply ignore them, deny they did for years, and use the anger as proof that “we’re on your side, its the Israelis who are evil!”.

Maybe the Palestinian Authority only cares about power. Power over its civilians and the lives of innocent Jews. And they know when their dictatorship has no unifying enemy, they will fall apart.


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