In Case You Missed it 25: Vile Lies and a Look on the Bright Side.

Big News: Hamas controls what reporters in Gaza report and see, and instructs local Journalists to shape their perception. 

Even as the Palestinian Arab population has grown massively, the bastard villain Mahmoud Abbas claims Israel is a Nazi state, Holocaust Survivors committed Holocausts 50 times over, done many worse things, and justified a Holocaust in the process. All in front of the German Chancellor. 

Holocaust denial and Anti-Semitism like this would mean he legally should be charged and sent to prison under German law, which would apply to him as a foreigner. Germany, terrified of hurting their relationship with a nest of actively evil terrorists who should have been killed an eternity ago, refused. 

Arab Islamist terrorists attacked a group of Jews, including Knesset members, who entered Joseph's Tomb, turning into a large skirmish with the IDF. Tzvi Succot, whose charity work has helped find Arab murderers in Judea and Samaria and won his primary to be on the Religious Zionism slate, was also attending. He thanked IDF soldiers for there defense, and proclaimed "The permanent Jewish presence at Joseph's Tomb must be renewed as stipulated even in the Oslo Accords. 22 years too long have passed since the Tomb was abandoned - it's time to return." 


Time for some feel good stories!

Jews are innovating, making the world a better place. 

Golda Meir is getting a Ukrainian Street!

The Family of Shoah Survivors are bringing a WW2-era Torah Scroll with them to Judea and Samaria. 

The IDF saves a girl (a terrorist's girl, actually). 

New York supports her Jewry, and the education of her children.

Here's a tearjerker: A Women who helped educate about the Shoah appeared at her own funeral


Religious Zionism may run as two separate parties, Ohatzma Yehudit and Religious Zionism itself, in the coming Israeli elections. 

Ohatza Yehudit is a party most well-known for its desire to kick out all terroristic Arabs in Israel, Judea and Samaria, aswell as fight back against Gazan terrorism; its been universally called Kahanist, but the party and its leader, Itmar Ben-Gvir, reject the label and the claim. 

Religious Zionism is a more moderate Religious Zionist party, whose main issue is annexing Area C and being the new center of gravity for the Religious Right. Its leader, Bezalel Yoel Smotrich, has lived in either the Golan or Judea and Samaria all his life, and co-founded Regavim.

Ilhan Omar almost lost her primary this week, facing a Jewish population tired of her and a Democratic party angry at her. Rashida Tlaib, the Arab nationalist in Congress who attacked Israel for attacking the Gazan militants who helped kill a Holocaust Survivor last year, managed to win her district and its Arab-Muslim members over. 

Palestinian Arabs attempted to kill an old women for living in Judea and Samaria. Anyone who supports this is an Anti-Semite, plain and simple. 

Israel fears foreign interference in her upcoming election. 

An overview of how Israel made the Desert Bloom. As of now, the top "hits" on google search about "Making the Desert Bloom" include a featured snippet calling it a myth, and an article calling it a myth. A lower source by a website which explicitly claimed Jews deserved the Holocaust called "Decolonize Palestine" also calls it a myth. 

Google has previously gotten in hot water for its featured snippet on Jews being from a While Nationalist site called "Jew Facts". In other words, Google is supporting Mahmoud Abbas's genocidal desires. 

Israel plays with fire in Bosnia and Hergezovina. 


Ashkenazim and reality.,75635.0.html 

Two articles by Victor Rosenthal about the futility of the way Israel is acting in its war for its life (as well as a link to some illuminating statistics on the thousands of attacks against Jews in 2022 alone I'll leave you to find):

A UN official was fired for calling the rocket attacks on Israel bad.


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