
Showing posts from January, 2022

In Case You Missed It, Week 7: Remember

Here is the most important thing to take away from this weekly roundup from today: Remember the over 6 million murdered. Fight for the Jewish people. Advance us. And never, ever forget. Together we will change the world, as we have always done. Stick up for ourselves as Jews, and never let reality be forgotten. _____ 80 years ago, they tried to murder us for being Levantine.  Now, they try and murder us for being “white Europeans”. Hate never changes, what Anti-Semites say does.  We must never, ever forget.    Why accept responsibility for your actions when you can blame everything on a global minority?  Then people will ignore your  child sex trade "in the name of Islam ".  Deir Yassein Myth   The basic reality is Jews  did not expel Arab s. The idea is a myth to create the narrative of Jews committing a Holocaust, even if nothing compared to the murder chambers and death marches in real life, something could be made to seem so. Because that...

In Case You Missed It, Week 6: Things are Picking Up

Welcome. While I'm sure this week has been pretty crazy for everyone looking at the threat of Iranian Weapons and Russian Invasion in Ukraine, here's some other bullshit which may not lighten up your day. Big Stories:  Likud leader Benjamin Netanyahu publicly refused to accept a plea deal that would see him resign from the Knesset for the length of an entire Schmita cycle today. The flurry of legal cases against Netanyahu (most notably case 4000) have focused on claims of corruption, mainly with media companies, and have been a political blight on Netanyahu since 2019. Multiple anonymous sources have claimed the attorney general would refuse any other possibility. Netanyahu, who's term in office saw Israel's GDP double and the Abraham Accords signed, is facing internal  cracks thanks to his refusal to resign from leadership of Likud. The Anti-Netanyahu Coalition which currently governs Israel, includes: The right-wing party New Hope , which formed mostly in opposition...

In Case You Missed it, Week 5: The Original, Better Earth Day

Breaking News: Please Pray for the Jews in Texas under attack by Islamic Extremists.  Update: Everyone is safe.  Gut Shabbos, Jews will celebrate Tu B'Shebat, the "birthday of the Trees" and the time of spring in the land of Israel, the central Jewish locale. In celebration, nature has decided to fight for the Jewish People . This also seems a great time to drop this  for our Americans in the audience. The beat of life sings to a Jewish drum in the holy land and Diaspora. Abroad in areas where Winter is coming, this helps us see the future as growth, not death.  ---- A  clearly fake 'Rabbi' gets too much press in Indonesia . Clearly some idiot has ignored all of Jewish history and its survival against libels. Or perhaps he got his education in Kuwait . The author needs to take a visit to Australia . Meanwhile in France, attempts to pretend Jews don't exist unless their evil colonialists in the place Jews come from fail . More close to home,  Anti-Jewish Ara...

In Case you Missed it, Week Four (Somehow)

Hello, and welcome back. I'm short on time and cooking up some big long-term soup, so lets get started, shall we? Hamas Leadership and Abu Mazen continued lying about their history and screaming bloody murder, as chronicled here . Its funny, I've met people which 'look more middle eastern' than both of the crazy people and are Jewish (and even 'white'). Yet Jews are called interlopers in the place they come from by them? This comes as the 'West Bank'/Judea and Samaria is falling into chaos . Being Amin Al Husseinsi's explicitly stated history of trying to kill all Jews (with no apologies to the Jerusalem Post Editor who let a lie  in a Jewish paper, in an article flat-out denying Jewish indignity to Israel and peddling conspiracy theories about Israel's founding defying national determination for a people which didn't exist until the 60 's), it shouldn't be surprising his ideological grandchildren continue today. Cultural Terrorist...