The Future of Lies is Here: Arab Propagandists PhotoShop Online Video
By Gail Ellis (edits by yours truly). Recently (Today its Yom HaShoah , commemorating the victims of Nazi atrocities) there has been a remarkably stupid lie going around on social media. Here's one version of it: First of all, if this is an 80 year old man I would certainly like an appointment with his cosmetician. Or alternately to congratulate him on the effectiveness of his diet and lifestyle. Because he’s got a remarkable complexion for one so old. (And to point out his friend on the right who looks more like an actual elderly person might look). Now let’s focus on the punch. Notice this part in pink. That’s where they photoshopped it. How do I know? Because I found the original film. You can watch it yourself here. قناة الغد | جنود الاحتلال يهاجمون المصلين المسنين بقوة عند إحدى بوابات (المسجد_الأقصى) في (القدس) (قناة_الغد) (فلسطين) جنود الاحتلال يهاجمون المصلين المسنين بقوة عند إحدى بوابات #المسجد_الأقصى في #القدس #قناة_الغد #فلسطين